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Up to four different deadlines can be set for each assignment:

Date TypeDescription
Work can be submitted any time afterThis is the opening date for the assignment.It is automatically set to the date of creation of the workspace (or assignment) but can be modified to a future date. Assets cannot be submitted to the workspace before this date. 00:00 indicates the start of the day in question.
Work cannot be submitted afterThis is the deadline for the assignment.It is the date by which work has to be submitted to the workspace. Unless a late submission date is set, users will not be able to make any additional submissions after this deadline. Users can, however, continue to modify already submitted work until the ''Work already submitted can be modified until'' date is reached.
Unless this late submission deadline is setThis is the extension deadline for the assignment. Setting this date allows managers to manage late submissions. They will be accepted onto the workspace until this date but will be marked as late. A Manage late submissions button will appear on the Submissions page where the manager can view the late submissions and choose to accept them or not.
Work already submitted can be modified untilThis is the revision deadline for the assignment. This deadline allows managers to set the latest date when work which has already been submitted to the workspace can be updated and those updates be accepted for assessment. 23:55 is the latest time that can be set for a given date. Once this deadline has passed, students can still update work in their asset store but the changes will no longer be reflected on the workspace.

Scenario example to help explain deadlines

PebblePad is designed to support ongoing formative feedback on the process of learning ??? as distinct from summative feedback on the product of learning.

In this scenario, students are going on a four-week placement (Monday 6 August ??? Friday 31 August) and are required to keep a daily blog of their activities. Their supervisor wants to see the blog develop and be able to provide feedback as they are going so that they can incorporate the feedback into their learning. The following deadlines have been set for this activity:

Work can be submitted anytime after: Friday 27 July - this gives students 1 week to create the blog and add it to the workspace

Work cannot be submitted after: Friday 3 August, 9 am - as this is the last day that students are on campus the supervisor is keen to make sure all blogs are on the workspace before they disappear.

Unless this late submission deadline is set: Monday 6 August, 9 am - as there are always stragglers this will allow any last-minute submissions over the weekend. Those submitted late will be identified and need to be accepted by a workspace Manager.

Work already submitted can be modified until: Wednesday 5 September, 5 pm - this gives students a few days after their placement finishes to finalise their blogs and discuss any issues with their supervisor before assessment. Any changes to the blogs will not be visible on the workspace after this date has passed.

Extensions can be given on an individual student basis. An extension extends all of the deadlines for that student by the number of days set. This means, for example, that even if the final revision deadline has passed, the work of a student with an extension will continue to reflect updates on the workspace until the extension period is over.